I had too much fun drawing the dappled sunshine.
Also, this is not the first time Horace collected poppy plants for a character's injuries.
We're back! And on the SIXTH anniversary of the comic. WOO!
Hope you guys have been enjoying summer! I've really missed updating this comic. I've been working hard to get it up and running again. A realistic goal for me is to update on a bi-weekly schedule (as in every two weeks). I would love to go back to the weekly schedule but a slower, steady pace is what I can do for now.
I have some exciting plans going forward, too! I aim to be more intentional with the comic in marketing it, selling it (I need to finish printing book one), and potentially looking to join the comic with other webcomic communities.
Not to mention, you might notice I've added ads to the site! I am glad I could find a way to help support the comic a little more. Every little bit helps. I should mention, last month when money was tight, I was able to cover what we needed with my saved patreon funds. I can't say thank you enough for those who support me this way.
My Patreon is also on my list of things I want to focus on in the future. I will announce any changes.
I started this passion project as a way to branch out with my art and to make friends, and now I think it's time for the comic to grow into something that can help support my family (even if it's just to help buy some extra diapers for Rosie. Please take a moment to vote if you can with the Top Web Comics button above. This would help out the comic immensely, and I want to regularly add new incentives as we move forward. :D