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Secrets - 097

Currently on Maternity Leave!

July 01, 2022

Hello all! I’ve missed updating the comic and getting to interact with you every week. So I’m letting you know I will be starting the comic up again in a month on August 1st (the comic’s 6th anniversary) most likely with bi-weekly updates.

I haven’t said it enough, but thank you for your patience. Being a mom has been pretty neat, and I’m figuring out how to balance motherhood with my creative comic duties. I hope I can find a happy medium with the responsibilities.

Stay tuned! The best is yet to come.



May 09, 2022

There's been an update to the baby situation! She's here!

Say hello to Rosie:


She and I are doing just great. Thank you for the well wishes.

All that to say, the comic will need to go on hiatus while I take maternity leave. I don't have a timeframe yet but I am thinking several weeks. I will update you all on my social medias as time goes on. Thank you for waiting even more. You all have shown me lots of grace during this pregnancy. The story is getting to a section of the comic I've been looking forward to for years and I can't wait to bring it to life. See you then.

PS: I've written a few characters now who name their children after flowers (Selina's daughter, Violet, for example) and I thought it was a cute character trait....but it wasn't until I had a daughter and named her Rose, did it makes me realize I just really like flower names XD

April 25, 2022

Well, this just sparked new questions.

ALSO, BABY UPDATE! My due date is in less than two weeks, which means the duckling could show up any day now! :O I have no idea what kind of schedule I will have in two weeks because I might have to shift into maternity leave earlier than later.

Keep an eye on my social medias and the Everpresent site as I will announce when I do and what to expect. :-)

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